"Invalid Session Key, please try again"

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"Invalid Session Key, please try again"

Mentioned in another thread but making its own Subject now.

I get many "Invalid Session Key, please try again" weather using IE or firefox. it can happen at any point if i try to apply settings.
I have to re do the settings i want to save and take another shot at it and eventually it will work.

The 7800N used to do something similar but only on firefox where the side banner or main banner would turn pink and give some apache web "micro_httpd" error.

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Re: "Invalid Session Key, please try again"

Post by swatboy79 » Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:15 am

I have been connected via telnet using a program called RouterStats whilst being logged in on a web page too.

I cannot be sure if it happened only whilst using both or not as i did not run RouterStats all the time.

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Re: "Invalid Session Key, please try again"

Post by kenny70 » Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:17 am

i've had that as well and not using router stats as i couldnt get it to work with 7800dxl

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Re: "Invalid Session Key, please try again"

Post by swatboy79 » Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:22 am

kenny70 wrote:i've had that as well and not using router stats as i couldnt get it to work with 7800dxl

OK so its not RouterStats then.

P.S RouterStats works if you get the none lite version and then grab a page of the states page and then find and tell it which bits of the web page are which reading.

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Re: "Invalid Session Key, please try again"

Post by billion_fan » Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:42 am

swatboy79 wrote:

kenny70 wrote:i've had that as well and not using router stats as i couldnt get it to work with 7800dxl

OK so its not RouterStats then.

P.S RouterStats works if you get the none lite version and then grab a page of the states page and then find and tell it which bits of the web page are which reading.

I have informed our engineers waiting for a reply now.

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Re: "Invalid Session Key, please try again"

Post by Searcher22 » Fri Dec 27, 2013 12:34 am

billion_fan wrote:

swatboy79 wrote:

kenny70 wrote:i've had that as well and not using router stats as i couldnt get it to work with 7800dxl

OK so its not RouterStats then.

P.S RouterStats works if you get the none lite version and then grab a page of the states page and then find and tell it which bits of the web page are which reading.

I have informed our engineers waiting for a reply now.

Hi Billion Fan

There was another thread about this issue here viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2249 which I posted in as well. It is quite irritating in my case needing page refreshes and re-entry of the changes before it "sticks". So Googled and came across the earlier thread where you said "I have informed our engineers waiting for a reply now" above ~ so since February has there been any feedback from the Billion engineers??? Also mentioned elsewhere, why no 'Logout' button from the GUI? Someone said closing to GUI tab/page logs out..............well not for me it doesn't as I can come back hours later and put the IP into the browser URL and I get the page open OK without the requirement to Login..................I wonder whether the two events have some sort of common cause to do with the "session key"???

It would be great if this can be solved asap 8-) :D

Oh, in my Googling there are a few other forums mentioning this Invalid Session issue with Billion routers so not just in the UK.

Edit ~ I noted on the screengrabs here http://www.billion.uk.com/esupport/inde ... re-network that a "logout" 'button' is/was on some Routers so why not current ones???

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Re: "Invalid Session Key, please try again"

Post by Searcher22 » Sun Jan 05, 2022 10:45 am

Bump ;)

Been away a week and having shut everything down including the router and found the following:-

Note - my old setup using the Netgear was that all wired kit was connected into a Zyxel 8 port switch and the Router was plugged into the switch. Under that wiring even if the router was turned off I could access the NAS because I had all the wired kit in static IP's.

Thinking I should put the PC on a static so.......................back to posting in this thread!

When I booted up the PC before the router it had lost its IP (under the Billion it was supplied using the DHCP) and could not 'see' the NAS. So booted the router up and did an IP rel & renew on the PC and all was well. However now trying to give the PC a static IP and the "Invalid Session Key...." keeps coming up and is effectively stopping me from adding the Mac etc to the list...............very very annoying that this has not been fixed by Billion by now as it seems to have been a very long outstanding problem!!! And with the lack of a "log out" button on the GUI you cannot force a GUI refresh & login in case the session referred to needs flushing???

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Re: "Invalid Session Key, please try again"

Post by Searcher22 » Sun Jan 05, 2022 7:34 pm

Just to say this is now one maddening issue......................as I cannot make any changes to the configuration at all in any browser (IE, Chrome or Firefox!!!)

I have now submitted a Ticket on the support site. I may have mentioned it already but this problem is mentioned globally on various BiPac models on a range of international fora. I do hope that Billion can address this issue very urgently :) :idea:

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Re: "Invalid Session Key, please try again"

Post by Peter18 » Sun Jan 05, 2022 10:33 pm

I ALWAYS get this error message if I have RouterStats running, but NEVER when RouterStats is not running. Draw your own conclusion!

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Re: "Invalid Session Key, please try again"

Post by Searcher22 » Mon Jan 06, 2022 12:40 am

Peter18 wrote:I ALWAYS get this error message if I have RouterStats running, but NEVER when RouterStats is not running. Draw your own conclusion!

Ah! I used to run RouterStats with my old Netgear but have since been using RS Lite........................goes off to close RS Lite. Will report back if closing it completely clears the issue, though I think I had some "Invalid Session" issues before I put RS Lite in place???

Edit - :D well for the issue affecting the ability to add the static IP closing RS Lite worked a treat. Just need to be 100% sure that such Invalid Session issue is purely down to the influence of RS bearing in mind that the same issue has been reported for years in various locations around the world with different BiPac models I wonder at this stage whether RS 'supported' the Billion models at the appropriate time and whether good though RS is it was being used by all those that reported having this same trouble???